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Introduction to Membership

Life is an endless journey progressing from delusion to wisdom, and

finally to Great Liberation. To lead a happy life, it is important to have

a spiritual focus and strong direction to one's spiritual work.


Buddhism is a religion of love and wisdom based upon the historical

Buddha Shakyamuni's realization that all beings are endowed with

innate Enlightenment. Buddhism teaches people to turn to their inner

resources for the actualization of this Enlightenment. It teaches that

like the experience of pure love, truth is ineffable. So we are

encouraged to experience the truth of our utmost heart, moment to

moment. Hence, the Buddhist journey is to discover unborn

Buddhamind in our everyday lives, and to honor the Buddhamind

of all beings.


Such a wayfaring requires a commitment to the tradition and faith in

oneself. Your membership in Still Point helps to support this practice,

in this location, at this time. If you benefit from Still Point, please

consider becoming a member.

Becoming a Member


Members are asked to pledge the amount that they will contribute to Still Point for the year. The suggested amount is 2% of your annual income. We understand that individual circumstances vary and that not everyone can give at this level, while some may be able to give more. Each person is asked to consider his or her own situation and pledge accordingly. No one will be refused membership due to inability to pay. Payments can be made monthly, quarterly or annually. Members receive 20% discounts on workshops, classes, and retreats. Membership in Still Point is open to everyone.


In addition to the Sunday public services, members may attend the 9 a.m. service offered each Sunday – which includes private interviews with the guiding teacher – as well as the 7 p.m. service on Wednesday. Members are urged to attend as many member sittings as possible to strengthen their practice.


To become a member, one should first take the Introductory Meditation Course to learn the postures and protocol used at the temple (although this is not mandatory). Please fill out a  Membership Registration Form and bring it to the guiding teacher.



Sangha Meetings

Annual member’s meetings are held each Winter. These provide an opportunity for the sangha (community) to hear about the fiscal health of the temple, and to discuss any major issues that may surface over the course of the year.


Volunteer Spirit and Work Practice

An expression of gratitude and oneness, volunteer service is an integral part of spiritual and religious life. There are sangha work days from 1 p.m. until 4 p.m. one Sunday of every month.

Still Point Zen Buddhist Seminary

The seminary is a three-year training program of practice, study and service for those interested in becoming Dharma teachers. Typical pre-requisites are membership, attendance of at least one three- or five-day retreat, and at least one year of practice in the One Sangha program.

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